Kickstarter Update #1: We’re 17% Of The Way There + Some FAQs
Well, as of the writing of this post, we’re 17% of the way there in a day, which is incredible. I’m seriously bowled over by the support so far, and happily, that means the best is yet to come. We did a small update to the rewards levels, which you can check out here… And as we hinted, there’s a new reward that’ll be unlocked once we go over $1,000 in total donations, so stay tuned.
Also, we got a few people asking about the physical book itself, so here’s a FAQ:
Will it be hardcover, or softcover?
Both books will be softcover, regular comic book print. Meaning, slightly thicker cover stock, regular printed comic book pages, full color the whole way through. Except, you know, all the noir black and white stuff.
Yeah, but how long is the book?
“Detective Honeybear and the Mystery of the Terrible Llamas” will be a 24 page comic, with 20 pages of original story, and some bonus extras! The Limited Edition Reprint of “Detective Honeybear and the Case of the Curious Cap” is a 12 page comic, with 11 pages of story and one page of bonus extras.
What if I want something longer?
If we significantly surpass our goal, we should be able to print a 40 page Special Edition containing both stories, the bonus extras, and – if I can strongarm Josh – a completely new Detective Honeybear short story we haven’t even teased yet. It’s about cookies.
Beyond that, though, there’s been a ton of links about the project, so I wanted to take a moment to highlight ’em:
Comic Related:
You guys are awesome. Also awesome? All the people that have been tweeting and Facebook-ing about the project to get the word out there. Even if you don’t donate anything, you’re all getting high fives.
More news soon…
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